SF Lee Jung-hoo returns from injury...Triple-A practice game starts

Major League Baseball (MLB) San Francisco Giants' main center fielder Lee Jung-hoo returned from injury.

Lee Jung-hoo was listed as the third batter center fielder in the starting lineup of the Triple-A Sacramento River Cats at Sutter Health Park in Sacramento, California on the 24th (Korea Standard Time).

As a result, Lee Jung-hoo will play in practice 10 days after the exhibition game of the spring camp against the Texas Rangers on the 14th. 메이저사이트

While sleeping in the wrong position over the weekend, Lee felt severe pain in his back. As a result, he couldn't play after the game against Texas, and underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to concern over possible injury.

Fortunately, no major abnormalities were found in the detailed diagnosis, and Lee Jung-hoo received injection treatment and recovered quickly.

Lee Jung-hoo, who said his back hurt just by bending his head, confessed, "I've never felt such severe pain (in my back)."

If Lee Jung-hoo plays normally in the game, he is expected to play normally in the opening game against the Cincinnati Reds on the 28th.

"I am thinking positively about participating in the opening game, but I will not overdo it. One season is a long journey, and the opening game is just one out of 162 games," Lee said. "We will celebrate the season with a long-term perspective."

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